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College Campus Advertising: OOH Advertising Campaigns On-Campus During Covid

College Campus Advertising: OOH Advertising Campaigns On-Campus During Covid

The return situations on campuses across the country is beginning to solidify and a much clearer picture as to how the student experience will be on-campus this fall is beginning to form.  OOH Advertising campaigns have a place in reaching your target student demographic, marketers must pay attention to timing.

Since we have been monitoring colleges and universities in mapping out their student return policy this fall, we have noticed a certain trend among them.  The vast majority will have students on campus, whether it be a full return or a hybrid model.  If this demographic is an emerging market for your brand, marketers cannot afford to miss the opportunity to get that visual presence on campus.  With many brands still being cautious about investing in that type of college advertising promotion, it is especially important to get your brand seen by students with fewer competitors for their eyeballs.

There is very little doubt that the initial move-in process for students this fall will be unprecedented with the Covid precautions in place.  There will be a new routine for students to follow and a new lifestyle for them to adjust to in making everyone safe.  Eventually, they will fall into their normal groove and student life on campuses will more resemble what it once was in years past.  This is the time to make your move.  Our recommendation is to wait about 2-3 weeks (late September) to begin the On-Campus OOH Advertising Campaign push once students have been integrated into their routine.  Students are yearning for a sense a normalcy and as marketers, presenting offers to students fits right within that purview.  Here are three things to keep in mind when putting together a college marketing strategy:

College Direct Email/Social Media Outreach: While students are moving in and adjusting, don’t get caught up in the noise with the hustle and bustle.  Reach your audience through digital channels and take advantage of student usage of social media to spread your message.  We work with student influencers with large social media footprints, which is optimal to reach students along with targeted college direct email that student can easily check from their smartphone.

Dorm Room Advertising: Once students are moved in and begin classes, they will find themselves spending a large amount of their time in their campus housing.  Campuses are not restricting movement of students, so to speak, but universities are limiting capacities at certain locations where students would normally congregate.  Utilizing dorm door hangers is an excellent way to reach student where the live, are close to their laptop to view different brand offers and shop online or order deliver services.

College Event Brand Ambassadors: Peer-to-Peer recommendations for the 18-22 demographic will always resonate stronger than traditional corporate advertising messaging.  That has not changed.  Utilizing student ambassadors to spread the word about your brand and excite a call-to-action will still be very effective.  As long as everyone is wearing masks and maintaining social distancing, this solution will always have an effective place at the table for successful college advertising promotions.

This semester will be very different for students and marketers alike.  The important thing is to work with a college advertising agency that understands the landscape of campus during the Covid era, due to the extensive research and monitoring we have done, and not miss a huge marketing opportunity just because the “general feeling” out there is that “it’s not feasible.”  We would love the opportunity to have a conversation with you about your goals and campuses you would normally target but are having second thoughts due to Covid.  We would be happy to shed some light on what we have been seeing and hearing in the college market.